1. Fire … in Chicago.
  2. If right, perhaps it’s too bad that it will happen before any stimulus bill’s effects really kick in. But then that bill isn’t about stimulus … it’s about paving the road to serfdom.
  3. A wicked woman.
  4. Treason?
  5. Risk and banking.
  6. Lots about Doug (I also played AH strategy games a lot when I was younger).
  7. One … getting less excited about the next Star Trek film.
  8. A man’s passing noted.
  9. St. Maximus.
  10. A question asked … my answer … “Well, that’s because their parents are very rich and influential.”
  11. A Marine in Anbar on the election.
  12. From back when “be a man” had meaning.
  13. Hmm.
  14. A suggestion … simplify taxes … no no really really simplify them.
  15. A leftist arguing in bad faith … that conservatives are acting in bad faith.
  16. Art … from China.
  17. Math tricks.
  18. Color me unsurprised.
  19. Medical ethics or the lack thereof.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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