Good morning.

  1. Stalin and genocide.
  2. Why monasticism?
  3. North Korea.
  4. Dancing with flaming balls of gas, here and here.
  5. Tribalism and the green movement.
  6. A conversation on Gitmo.
  7. On death.
  8. Not a fan of human exceptionalism … which is one of the causes of the mass tragedies of the 20th century (for which I refer to Ms Delsol with The Unlearned Lessons Of the Twentieth Century).
  9. Making a stand.
  10. Mr Maxwell’s demon.
  11. Microsoft developers had a phrase for this, “eating your own dog food”, a practice the beltway should take up, i.e., subject themselves to the same regulatory burdens they shovel on the rest of us. (link corrected)

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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