Good morning.

  1. So, the Obama campaign thinks Bain Capital is horrible, right?
  2. Meditiations on the fall of (western) Rome.
  3. The 2nd Amendment is not about hunting and sportsmanship. It really is about having guns to resist the government when they go off the rails. If you want to back of on citizens owning “assault” rifles, then you should amend the Constitution, because having real weapons meant for war is what the Constitution protected.
  4. This opinion apparently taxonomically classifies me as a porcupine.
  5. Some gun laws to catch the incredibly stupid criminal, which means the not-criminal (that being crimes of passion).
  6. The usual effect of the restrict guns rhetoric.
  7. Some data for the discussion.
  8. For the Microsoft non-lovers.
  9. Faint praise for Obama’s attack ads. I finally saw the ad over vacation. My children confirmed, and I attempted not to lead them, that this ad led them to support Romney more than Obama. The ad was sleazy, felt sleazy, and the “approved by Obama” at the front labeled who to blame.
  10. Culture, biology and violence.
  11. A love like no other.
  12. South Africa.
  13. Bikes and remembrance.
  14. Walruses are cool.
  15. Women and combat. Testostrone is a very powerful performance enhancing drug. Really.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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