Well, we made it to Thursday without too too much of the embarrassing theatrics, eh?

  1. Now that is quite striking.
  2. Ooooh, let’s try to open old wounds.
  3. Theology, anthropology and political science all rolled in together. Whaddya get out? The Constitution.
  4. Obamacare estimates.
  5. If that is not satire, then there’s another reason to call it the dismal science.
  6. Never happen. As soon as the Democrats cotton that legalizing polygamy will end the inheritance tax … they’ll be dead set against it.
  7. Not an ARThis.
  8. Inconsistency.
  9. Remembering Plato apparently fondly.
  10. Gosh, remember just earlier this week … I linked charts indicating corporate “sitting on cash” is a myth, makes the title tag-line ironic, eh?

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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