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February 14, 2005

Keeping the Blogger Press Pass Idea Alive

It’s time now to push for a White House press pass for a blogger or two each day, as a means of continuing the realignment of media sources and the dismantling of the MSM monopoly.

As a reminder (Rick posted on this Friday), White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan enlivened this discussion when he said at a briefing Thursday--concerning discredited conservative writer James D. Guckert:

"He, like anyone else, showed that he was representing a news organization that published regularly and so he was cleared two years ago to receive daily passes just like many others are. In this day and age, when you have a changing media, it's not an easy issue to decide, to try to pick and choose who is a journalist. It gets into the issue of advocacy journalism. Where do you draw the line? There are a number of people who cross that line in the briefing room."

Patrick Ruffini wrote:

“The story was a hot topic among the Beltway pundits this morning. On Chris Matthews' show, Howard Fineman predicted the expose of a "blogger" in the press room would trigger a new "who is a journalist?" debate; the White House Correspondents Association may come down hard on this one.

Wouldn't it have been interesting if, instead of vilifying the guy, the blogosphere's reaction to this had been to get one or two real bloggers into the White House on a daily basis? A Paul Mirengoff or a Kevin Aylward would certainly have been more suitable representatives of new media than Gannon (Guckert).”

Let’s do it. Stones Cry Out would like a place in line.

Posted by Jim at February 14, 2005 07:20 AM

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Jim, I'd nominate you to represent in DC. If the POTUS ever came out west, I could represent. The POTUS won't go to MN or WI (too cold), so we don't have to worry about that. Matt could head to TX to cover the ranch. I think that would do us just fine. :-)

Posted by: Rick Brady at February 14, 2005 09:42 AM

Well, I think the President has been in both MN and WI more in the last 6 months than in Caliselfabsorbedia, but that's neither here nor there.

Rick, I presume you are offering to foot Jim's expense reimbursement requests? I understand he only stays at the Willard.

Posted by: Mark Sides at February 14, 2005 10:19 AM

Doesn't he have a pup tent?

Posted by: Rick Brady at February 14, 2005 12:01 PM

I'm not a camper. But in consideration of SCO budget limitations, the JW Marriott would be fine.

Posted by: Jim Jewell at February 14, 2005 01:13 PM