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April 02, 2005

Trickle-Down Despotism

That's what Mark Tapscott calls a San Francisco proposal to require registration of local bloggers with the City's ethics commission. Michael Bassik writes:

Blogs that mention candidates for local office that receive more than 500 hits will be forced to pay a registration fee and will be subject to website traffic audits...

With the 60-day public comment period for the proposed FEC rule changes to begin April 4th, I'm not inclined to brush this story aside. Be sure to check RedState for updates on the FEC.

Related, but unrelated - the American Federalist Journal is a resource worth checking out. The site provides a peak at the lead paragraph of columns written from a fine group of conservative thinkers. It also maintains one heck of a blogroll ;-).

Posted by Rick at April 2, 2005 02:30 AM

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Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Trickle-Down Despotism:

» San Francisco unCensored from Hold The Mayo
I, as resident of the state of Connecticut, am very interested in the local politics of San Francisco. So I'm going to set up a new blog - see the title of this post. If the city of San Francisco thinks that they can force me to post some sort of disc... [Read More]

Tracked on April 3, 2005 05:50 PM

» San Fransisico Vs. Free Speech from Pete The Elder
San Fransisco may start charging bloggers fees and force them to register with the city if they write about political candidates. San Fransisco really does not get the concept of free speech. Michael Bassik reports: Just when you thought the... [Read More]

Tracked on April 4, 2005 06:45 PM


I live in Connecticut.

If you want something put on a weblog email it to me. I'll post it on my site. They can shove their registration.

Do they have no clue that there really is no such thing as a local blogger?

Posted by: Stephen Macklin at April 2, 2005 06:48 PM

"Related, but unrelated - the American Federalist Journal is a resource worth checking out. The site provides a peak at the lead paragraph of columns written from a fine group of conservative thinkers. It also maintains one heck of a blogroll"

They also have a new blog, yet Stones Cry Out has yet to link to it on their site. One can only hope they have comment notification turned on, and will recognize and carry out their Christian duty. :)

Posted by: The Editors, AFJ at April 22, 2005 10:01 PM

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