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May 30, 2005

Memorial Day

I encourage you to meditate on the goodness of God despite the tragedy of war and intercede for the thousands of families grieving as most Americans play this holiday. If you have children, remember also to explain to them why they have an extra day off school. Pray with them for those who bear the scars of war and the families of those who have perished so that we can be free. If you are a veteran or currently serving, from my family to yours, thank you!

Posted by Rick at May 30, 2005 01:11 PM

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These are clearly such touching and complicated times, eh no.

Why is it that parents would need to take extra time to explain why today is in any way different from any other?

Should Parents have taken the time to explain to their children why the DOD was 'standing down' it's Recruitors on May 20th so that they would have a chance to learn about 'ethics' when recruiting????

What if the real problem is that americans remain fearful of how to deal with their 'honored dead' without all of the trappings of the Idolatry that normally is associated with worshiping the dead? What if the real ugly of today is that the victims of their "chickenhawk angst" are still trying to figure out how to explain to their children why it is that they are 'in the rear with the beer' while other parents are being buried in the current WhateverOnWhomever that was once such a cause celebre amongst the NeoCons and NeoEvangelicals?


Posted by: drieux just drieux at May 30, 2005 02:07 PM