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« The Filibuster Deal: Compromise Isn’t Always a Bad Word | Main | Christianity and Myth »

May 25, 2005

Quick Hits

The filibuter compromise was a very dumb, opportunistic move on the part of Senators McCain, Graham and Warner. I'll say more later, but I stridently disagree with my pro-compromise colleagues.

That said, as bad as the compromise is, it's no worse than American Idol, which may in fact be the worst show ever created.

Season finale of Lost tonight. Woohoo.

Posted by Matt at May 25, 2005 11:39 AM

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Matt writes: The filibuter compromise was a very dumb, opportunistic move on the part of Senators McCain, Graham and Warner.

I completely agree. I don't think they realize how little their constituents really care about preserving the power of the minority to influence the rules of the Senate. Many of their most politically active and powerful constituents actually believe that even the narrowest of majorities in the Senate should— as a matter of principle— enjoy the privilege of setting the rules of order without requiring the consent of anyone affiliated with a minority party.

The compromisers have rolled the dice on a very bad gamble: that delaying the "nuclear option" until the next Congress, and nationalizing the midterm elections around this issue, will buy time for an American Thermidor, i.e. a backlash against the radicals that will restore some of the previous order. It's a bad gamble, because the previous order is gone— completely swept away— and we are just waiting for the body to stop twitching and for the new order to settle into a stable configuration.

Posted by: s9 at May 25, 2005 06:53 PM