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June 15, 2005

A Nation of Wimps

Russell Moore points readers to a new article in the Wilson Quarterly discussing the epidemic of clingy parents in today's society. It's a good read, though I quibble with his first line:

"Ever see a college student walking about with a cell phone in hand, paid for by mom and dad back home? Ever see a ten year-old child with knee pads, elbow pads, and ankle pads riding a bicycle with a nervous mother walking behind him, waiting to catch him if he fall? Well, these may not be two entirely different things."

College students have cell phones because they're reliable. It's a nice form of communication. Every twentysomething walking around on a cell phone is not calling Mommy and Daddy and asking for permission to go to the movies. Then again, Moore's probably right that a lot of parents use cell phones to keep tabs on kids without letting them grow up on their own. So I guess we're both right.

Posted by Matt at June 15, 2005 10:56 AM

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