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July 20, 2005

Ginsburg Precedent

Hugh Hewitt posts the relevant quotes from Justice Ginsburg, which set the “Ginsburg Precedent.” I heard Brit Hume discuss this last night following Chuck Schumer’s press conference and wanted to learn more. Hugh Hewitt provides an invaluable service.

"I prefer not to answer questions like that; again, to talk in grand terms about principles that have to be applied in concrete cases. I like to reason from the specific case," was the response of Ruth Bader Ginsburg to Patrick Leahy's 1993 question to then nominee Judge Ginsburg on which of the two religion clauses of the First Amendment was subordinate to the other.
BTW: Josh Britton has a series of SCOTUS posts and dissects Fred Barnes' puzzling comments on Roberts.

Posted by Rick at July 20, 2005 11:02 AM

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» This just in: from What Attitude Problem?
Chuck Schumer is still a dumbass. Update 1: From The Buck Stops Here via Mick's excellent rundown at Uncorrelated:For what it's worth: A few years ago, Justice Scalia said to a friend of mine that he and other Justices thought [Read More]

Tracked on July 20, 2005 01:31 PM


What gets me is that Patrick Leahy was a senator as far back as 1993, and he's still there. Of course he's by no means the longest-serving member of the Senate, but it's depressing to think that the days of citizen legislators who returned to day jobs after a stint of public service are long past. Now we have only professional politicians, and we're the worse for it.

Posted by: Patrick O'Hannigan at July 20, 2005 07:32 PM