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July 01, 2005

the One problem

Al Mohler provides a pretty good takedown of the well-meaning, but flawed, One campaign.

He makes a mistake, however, on one crucial point:

"While Southern Baptists should fervently support and encourage truly effective means to address the distress of the poor, failure to identify the true causes of Third World poverty and thus advocate useful real solutions–like the ONE Campaign–is not just misguided, it is actually harmful. The wider public knows this to be true."

The wider public knows this to be true? I'm not buying it. Call me cynical, but I don't believe the wider public cares.

Here's a good article on the issue of Christian voting. A very nice counterargument to those who think that God is indifferent about whom we vote for. The author raises some strong points, points that I've never heard any liberals adequately address.

Nothing like starting a firestorm early in the day.

Posted by Matt at July 1, 2005 09:52 AM

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