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September 08, 2005

The Giving Culture

Jim's earlier post and Josh Britton’s yesterday, among many others, touch on the recent meme that racism is at the heart of the government's failure to adequately respond to Katrina. Unfortunately, I have little doubt that the number of master’s theses and PhD dissertations analyzing this pre-conceived notion will far outweigh those that analyze the generous nature of Americans and its corporations.

But there is hope!

Driving with my mother in-law and the kids to enjoy a dip in the pool on Monday, I came across friends from church who were assisting their children's effort to sell snow cones for Katrina victims. Kids aged 4 to 10 manned street the street corners armed with hand-painted signs and a healthy amount of energy.

These kids clearly weren’t alone. Doug highlighted youth efforts in Houston and the San Diego Union Tribune reported of other youngsters raising funds in another part of my home town. I’m sure there are many more untold stories of youth philanthropy.

These gestures mark our nation's giving culture.

Kids don’t conjure up the idea to raise money to help others own their own; instead, these ideas spawn from an upbringing that values service and self-sacrifice - values taught and exemplified by parents, friends, and neighbors.

These values, instilled in most of us from youth, are also responsible for the 587 million dollars donated thus far on behalf of Katrina victims, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy.

Academics, politicians, and activists will use Katrina to decry perceived or real social injustices. I pray only that they also take the time emphasize to their kids the importance of giving to others. Investing in our giving culture will reap more societal rewards than any thesis, dissertation, speech or protest rally.

NZ Bear has a list of charities and their web-sites. Please continue to give and expand the influence of American’s giving culture.

Posted by Rick at September 8, 2005 02:28 PM

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» Katrina Relief Now Up to $568 Million from Tapscott's Copy Desk
Rick Brady at Stones Cry Out has some thoughts on the origin of the willingness of so many to give so much to help the people of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama who were victimized Hurricane Katrina. It takes a culture of giving and it doesn't jus... [Read More]

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