Good morning.

  1. Upcharge for extra mass.
  2. Cinema.
  3. Low church and liturgy.
  4. A the Quantum people attack back.
  5. We are more alike than different.
  6. Traffic.
  7. A good word for Mr Carter.
  8. Not me.
  9. Heh.
  10. He knew that, but didn’t seem fit to mention that the failures were basically all on the government side (especially when you recall the safety equipment is by government mandate).
  11. Suffering for art’s sake.
  12. The state of Mr Obama’s buddies state.
  13. The professional left.
  14. Goin’ green … is clearly more fun if you’re a wealthy professional humorist.
  15. The Cato purge apparently wasn’t.

I had this joke I was going to try to tell about how now that I’m back biking a lot more regularly but have a new puppy, we have this symbiotic relationship. She licks the sweat of me after a ride reaping salt … and I don’t have to take showers anymore. But I decided not to tell it, aren’t y’all grateful? πŸ˜‰

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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