Good morning. I’m short on time … so I’ll try to be quick. I apologize in advance for errors, of meaning and syntax.

  1. Water and ballistics.
  2. Rhetoric and … I think a reference to the remarks made by Mr Akin.
  3. Is this where Illinois corruption skews the pictures?
  4. So, does that make the recent German law anti-Semitic? Or just disputed medical results.
  5. Relativism and the term “safe”.
  6. I wonder if that includes non-government R&D funding? And if so, how the heck would they measure it?
  7. No silly, the Democratic base is soon-to-be unemployed journalists and union workers.
  8. Noetic mapping.
  9. Getting rid of those gomers … and liberal bigotry.
  10. Dishonesty in political commercials … I’d have thought the unusual thing would be to look deeper and find honesty.
  11. really really need to dig into Christos Yannaros and how ethics changes when your idea of person changes.
  12. ’cause here is where you find freedom (freedom not from rights and choice, but communion in love).
  13. So, why do you think why?

Gotta run. That took 10 minutes. Whew.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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