Equality for all; California’s Proposition 8
The California Marriage Protection Act, aka Proposition 8, was passed by popular vote on Tuesday, November 4th. The proposal was to add the following 14 words to the California constitution:
in California.
As of Wednesday, November 5th, lawsuits have been filed by Gay Rights backers to challenge the will of the people, and protests against the Proposition were occurring in the predominantly gay city of West Hollywood.
Lest anyone think that rights have been eliminated, by the passage of Proposition 8, one should read the already existing California Family Code 297.5. An excerpt:
(emphasis added)
Bottomline: Proposition 8 it isn’t about hate, inequality or discrimination; it’s about protecting marriage between a man and a woman.
Note: as an aside, check this “No on 8” ad which displays blatant hatred towards Mormons.
Tagged with: california • prop 8 • proposition 8
Filed under: Homosexuality • Liberal • Rusty
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