Things Heard: e54v1
Monday, February 9th, 2009 at
9:16 am
- Looking at Keynes.
- UK demographics.
- To avoid 3 common fees.
- Getting ready for Lent 3 weeks to go and it’s not just about eating the meat out of fridge and freezer.
- Filled with extraordinary, uhm, wouldn’t that mean just ordinary?
- I concur 100%, and I certainly am a fan of that genre.
- Translate: asian?
- Cool animation.
- Where build bridges means, bring on the concessions … we’ll give not an inch.
- Testing and failure, epic variety.
- Predator.
- On Mrs Palin.
- Crises and profit, how the “gouger” outperforms government disaster relief.
- Biden’s remarks on competence.
- Evaluating Presidential performance.
- Theology and ecumenical movement.
- Is unconditional pacifism immoral, an interesting look.
- Looking for love in 2009.
- I spotted 2 problems … how about you?
- Toward the up and coming collapse of environmental policy.
- What rugged Yankee individualism looks like in 2009. Don’t tread on me indeed.
- Becker/Posner usually debated unite against pay caps (here and here).
- Not socialism, participatory fascism.
- Christian blogger held in Egypt, where is the (muted) joy in Christian communities. We used to celebrate martyrdom, why do we whine today?
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