1. Post tour flurry, and not even the traditional criterium circuits. Too much?
  2. Climate and flawed science?
  3. Somebody thinks that academia leans right? Hmm.
  4. An unelected official.
  5. Inflation and the debt.
  6. Roaches and riddance.
  7. The long wrong arm of the law.
  8. On Ms Robinson’s commendation and implications of how the White House views the world.
  9. All the news that’s fit to print, fits the agenda at least.
  10. More “for the children” arguments noted.
  11. Replying, it seems to me quite adequately, to Krugman.
  12. Where nature roams (and is written as Nature).
  13. Remember that “open” promise, fuhgetaboutit.
  14. Some quotes.
  15. Left and right, from my view (on the right) I have no clue as to what this is trying to say or imply or what it even means.
  16. Oh, it won’t happen here. Right.
  17. Right to healthcare. Right to jobs. Right to food. Someday someone will point to an exposition from the left what the heck they think rights are.
  18. Well, here’s the healthcare quote which the WH says is out of context but … refuses to provide the larger context to defend it.
  19. About that F-22.
  20. And on the oeuvre of Mr Kolakowski.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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