More Self-Parody at the UN
From a press release from UN Watch.
To the sound of cheers, and by an overhwelming [sic] majority of 40 out of 47 votes, the UN Human Rights Council today elected Jean Ziegler, the co-founder of the "Muammar Khaddafi Human Rights Prize," as an expert advisor representing the Western world. And for its new Palestine expert, the council chose Richard Falk, who, like Ziegler, accuses the U.S. of being responsible for many of the world’s ills and describes Israel in Nazi terminology.
Well, at least Ziegler is an award-winner, eh? UN Watch comments in the press release:
"Even within the benighted UN Human Rights council, today was a dark day for human rights," said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, a Geneva-based human rights monitoring agency. "The very credibility of the UN human rights system is now at stake."
No, sorry, this move won’t change any minds. For those of us who already understand that the UN is irreparably broken, their reputation is long gone after watching this sort of nonsense for a very, very long time. For UN apologists, however, nothing is too foolish or insane to change their minds. For them it’s just a matter of "fixing it", which is typically just defined as rearranging the deck chairs while it sinks.
[tags]United Nations,human rights,Jean Ziegler,Richard Falk,Muammar Khaddafi,UN Watch[/tags]
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