NARAL Chief: “They Are So Young!”
The pro-life movement in America is growing in leaps and bounds, attracting young, zealous women to defend the unborn in droves – a fact that even the president of NARAL has now admitted.
NARAL’s Nancy Keenan told Newsweek last week that she considers herself a member of the “postmenopausal militia” – a phrase that captures the situation of pro-abortion leaders who are aging across the board, including the leadership of Planned Parenthood, and the National Organization for Women. Newsweek’s Sarah Kliff notes that “these leaders will retire in a decade or so.”
Keenan also remarked on the enormity of this year’s March for Life in Washington, D.C., and, according to Newsweek, is troubled that such passion has faded among the youth on her side of the movement.
“I just thought, my gosh, they are so young,” Keenan said about stumbling on this year’s March for Life in Washington. “There are so many of them, and they are so young.”
While March for Life estimates it drew 400,000 pro-lifers to Washington for this year’s March, Planned Parenthood’s “Stop Stupak” rally in December only
drew about 1,300 attendees.In addition, Newsweek revealed that NARAL’s own research on American youth shows more reason for Keenan to worry: a survey conducted by the group found that, while 51 percent of pro-life voters under 30 considered abortion a “very important” voting issue, only 26 percent of abortion supporters in the same demographic felt similarly.
James Taranto attributes this “enthusiasm gap” among abortion activists to what he terms “the Roe Effect“. In simple terms, the theory is that pro-abortion women are not having babies and therefore are not raising children to carry on their pro-abortion beliefs. While it may still take a while to play out politically, perhaps we are finally starting to see signs that America is becoming a more pro-life nation at last
Tagged with: Abortion • naral • Roe Effect
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