Friday Link Wrap-up
Venezuelans are getting tired of the food shortages, the electricity shortages, the soaring crime, the deep recession (i.e. everything that comes part and parcel with socialism) and have started taking back the country, starting with last weekend’s elections. American voters are poised to do the same in November.
The "humanitarian crisis" in Gaza is apparently mostly about symbolism, false narratives and propaganda. Flotillas are required to keep up the narratives.
The United Nations will appoint an Earth contact for aliens. No, really. "Mazlan Othman, the head of the UN’s little-known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa), is to describe her potential new role next week at a scientific conference at the Royal Society’s Kavli conference centre in Buckinghamshire." Doesn’t it strike anyone as unintentionally humorous that "Unoosa" sounds like some alien specie you’d see on "Star Trek"?
When the Bilderbergers met last June (cue paranoid music), one of the topics they discussed was Global Cooling. No, really. (Al Gore was apparently not invited.) But indeed, global cooling, were it happening, would be worse than global warming. Crops, for starters, kinda’ like the heat.
Tea Partiers uncover rampant voter fraud in Houston. Would it surprise you if I said that most of this was related to a former SEIU employee’s voter registration group? Yeah, me neither.
"Scientists have invented an efficient way to produce apparently safe alternatives to human embryonic stem cells without destroying embryos…." They start with ordinary skin cells. As Glenn Reynolds would say, "Faster, please."
And finally, from Mike Lester, two views of the Constitution. (Click for a larger image.)
Filed under: Doug • Environment • Global Warming • Government • Israel • Links • Middle East • Science • Stem Cells • United Nations • Venezuela
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