Friday Link Wrap-up
Leave it to Newsweek to call family films "shameful" for not fulfilling their PC feminist quotas. With so much that is actually shameful coming out of Hollywood, you’d think they’d have more to deal with than "Finding Nemo".
Robert Robb of The Arizona Republic asks:
What will it take for economic policymakers to understand that the chief problem today is uncertainty? And that until they quit moving significant pieces of fiscal, monetary and regulatory policy around, the uncertainty won’t abate?
Quite a lot, apparently. If jobs start getting created after big Republican wins in November, it’ll likely be because the "Party of No" will be there to curb this uncertainty.
If 91% of white voters had voted against Obama, some would have called it partially due to racism. If 91% of black support him, can that be partially attributed to racism? Jerome Hudson considers this.
The New York Times trumpets how well the civilian court system is for dealing with terrorism it when a terrorist pleads guilty and is sentenced. Um, that’s not a real test of the system, guys. A trial is the way to test it, and a terrorist trial going on in the civilian system was dealt a huge blow. Do we want to chance, perhaps, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed getting off on a technicality?
Glasses that give perfect vision for any type of eyesight, even if you need bifocals? Looks possible!
And finally, the longest stretch of 9.5+ percent unemployment since the 1930s has not been mitigated one bit by the two highest deficits since 1945. Given liberal claims, we ought to have been sailing out of this by now. Can we finally put that "government spending fixes the economy" meme to bed?
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