Good morning.

A lot of talk about events in AZ.

  1. The “is he right wing theme” gets a lot of play. Seeing as one of his two favorite books was the Communist Manifesto, that seems a bit far fetched.
  2. Another concise rebuttal of the “right winger” theme here.
  3. Demographics.
  4. Some praise for abstractions.
  5. His real political alignment … nuts.
  6. A question for those the pundits pushing the right-wing theory.


  1. Whence the anger or “America where the poor are rich too.”
  2. Krsna Slava.
  3. Person or not? Mr Solzhenitsyn offered that which separates man from animal is repentance not cognition. Ms Delsol noted that the move to see man as not-exceptional is one of the unlearned lessons from the tragedies of the 20th century.
  4. Addiction. When they find a procrastination vaccine … that might be of more general use.
  5. Heh.
  6. Praise of Muslim interaction with Christians … to bad this is newsworthy and not more automatic.
  7. A lay introduction to String Theory by the master.
  8. Work.
  9. My next economics book to be read.
  10. Why the fixes in place won’t work.
  11. The USS Enterprise captaincy.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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