Some thoughts on the death of Osama bin Laden.
OBL’s death was a targeted killing. Cheers are going up all over the world for the targeted killing of a terrorist. Now can we stop condemning Israel for doing the same thing?
Hamas condemned the killing of bin Laden, whom they called a "holy warrior". This is the same Hamas that has just signed a reconciliation agreement with the Palestinian Authority and that was hailed by Jimmy Carter. Great timing, Fatah. Do we really think honest negotiation will come out of this?
This all happened within a stones throw (well, a really good throw) of Pakistan’s military academy. Lots of questions should be asked about this.
OBL has been at that location since 2005. Thanks to George W. Bush for finding that out, and thanks to Barack Obama for making the gutsy call to go in with Navy Seals and confirming the kill rather than bombing the place and not being sure. This is not the end of the war on terror, but it is a huge psychological blow.
Filed under: Doug • Israel • Middle East • War
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