Finding God in Twilight
My Take: 5 reasons Christians should love ‘Twilight’ is a confusing piece, from CNN Opinion, attempting to argue for the merits of the Twilight series due to some intersections (so the author claims) it has with Christianity. The mistake here is that she appears to fall into the Moral Therapeutic Deism camp. Rather than do a stretch search for Biblical principles in something like Twilight, how about looking at what the Bible has to say? Or at least peruse the works of authors who intended to write fiction with a Biblical grounding (e.g., C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, PD James, Stephen Lawhead, etc.).
The five reasons Jesus would love Twilight?
- The supernatural surrounds us whether we’re aware of it or not.
- Love results in, and even requires, sacrifice.
- Humans crave divine perfection.
- A drastic change of direction may be exactly what you need.
- You’ll only really fit in after you accept what it is God has designed you for.
Oh, and I really like the Jeremiah 29:11 reference as an argument for reason # 5 [sarcasm].
Filed under: Christianity • Culture • Ethics & Morality • Movies • Rusty
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