Good morning. Links?

  1. Yah, and you can only ride a horse cause the founders didn’t “intend” cars. And … the framers didn’t want you using only crossbows, but allowed the most technologically advanced military weapons to all. Guess that means Mr Leiter thinks actual (real not pretend) assault weapons for civilian use is what they intended.
  2. Portion control.
  3. For those places in the world not near one of the top 10 largest freshwater lakes.
  4. The knuckleheads in Congress will not call for background checks and registration of … pressure cookers?
  5. Speaking of which … Science!
  6. From the aisles of the diversity knuckleheads. Doh!
  7. ’cause marathons are not in such hubs?
  8. He would know.
  9. Dangerousness.
  10. Seriously? My daughter applied in October to here (Illinois) to schools online, was accepted in weeks, got financial aid offers about a month later and decided in January. What deadline do they speak of?
  11. Grist for the SSM debate. Actually, less like grist more like sand in the axles.
  12. Not grown here.
  13. Toys for your toy.
  14. ’cause all libs know you get STDs from toilet seats and pregnant from thinking the wrong thing.
  15. Flee from evil veggies.
  16. Mr Rahe needs to read his co-poster Mr Groseclose. Mr G found the WSJ reporting is liberal as they come … it’s their opinion pages that aren’t liberal. The Wash Times is one of the few non-liberal papers in their reporting section according to the studies.
  17. Well it’s good to hear that NBC is not part of the threat.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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