Links: 2014.12.29
Monday, December 29th, 2014 at
7:34 pm
Ok. Back to it, after all, I haven’t stopped reading and saving links, just reporting them. So, what’s in the backlog.
- Here’s a x-mas suggestion for the old-calendar practitioners who haven’t gotten anything yet. (For those who don’t know, much of the Easter Orthodox are still on the Julian calendar 13 days later than the Gregorian until the end of the century. This is why the Orthodox Easter/Pascha is so wildly different from the West, as both are based on the full moon after the spring equinox, but … when that equinox is changes by 13 days).
- Mr Degrasse’s 8 “books everyone should read“. Yikes.
- I haven’t a clue whether Mr Schraub disapproves or approves but, geesh, anyone who holds Israel and ISIS as morally equivalent is ethically blind and should be regarded functionally as a psychopath.
- Here is another equivalence, possibly slightly less morally suspect.
- Yet again, repeat ad infintum, the argument against torture is not gotten via consequentialism.
- I’m not up to speed on hate speech and the legal status of same, but as a layperson one would be lead to suspect that “hate speech” should involve in some way, you know, actual hate or even mild dislike.
- Speaking of which, there are plenty of liberals who clearly hate conservatives. I wonder if their hate-speech microscope will be turned on themselves in this regard?
- Union labor and why it sucks so often.
- Very cool.
- Graft and equalite, liberte, fraternite (and buckets of blood).
- A gun (which is sort of on my wish-I-had-one list)
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