Links: 2015-03-01
Sunday, March 1st, 2015 at
10:34 pm
Well, post swim lactic acid and endorphin levels have ruined my chance to offer a intelligent essay. So … on to links.
- A middle ground? You mean like where people who want guns can get them and those that don’t don’t. Sounds like a middle ground to me.
- So the left has been full frontal attack mode on Mr Walker. They’re making him a more and more attractive candidate from where I sit. I mean, for example, when you demonize a guy for “gosh he’s making it illegal on Wisconsin campuses to report rapes and assaults” … uhm, dig just a little bit and you find he’s doing that at the effing request of the University (not a hotbed conservative place, btw). And the whole, “he’s clearly unqualified” after giving reasonable responses to stupid/unreasonable questions. Uhm, no. That’s not unreasonable, but hey, the questions were.
- On speaking truthfully, unless you are a politician. (for a prime example see our President), in which case (to borrow from Shania Twain) as we know politicians only lie when they’re breathing.
- On the IRS and Obamacare.
- On the IRS and their breathing thing, or lying thing .. whatever.
- Tech for the plant floor.
- Cool image.
- Evil and consequences.
- Zoom.
- A school (down under) getting it all wrong.
- Left wing boorish bullying, an example.
- So, Obama vetoed Keystone, because he things rail is much cleaner safer way to transport oil. Teh stupid, it burns.
- So, will the Rubicon be crossed in the next decade or two? Wonder if anyone is laying odds.
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