A comprehensive argument against Barack Obama
Note: I’ve updated this post to more accurately reflect the context of Obama’s statement regarding his two daughters.
A rundown, at HotAir, of candidate Barack Obama’s positions and history on abortion, taxes, radical associations, foreign policy judgment, disdain for the heartland, use of the race card, and lack of accomplishments.
Of particular concern, and what I would argue is evidence of the consequences of our country having state-sponsored killing of over 40 million unborn children, since Roe v. Wade, is this video snippet. This candidate, my friends, is someone who would consider his own grandchildren to be a punishment upon his daughters if they had the unfortunate luck to have been conceived while his daughters were still teenagers.
When we don’t view the unborn child as a human being, then it’s not so difficult to see it as a “punishment”.
Unfortunately, I think too many Americans are buying in to the rhetoric that Obama dishes out, with regards to his views on abortion. They consider him to be “pro-choice”, rather than “pro-abortion” (after all, so they say, who in their right mind would call him pro-abortion?). They trump the argument that we cannot legislate morality (to which I argue that virtually every law we have is a legislation of morality). They trump the supposed fact that Obama would sign on to abortion restriction laws were they to include an exception for the life of the mother (to which I wonder why they ignore the FACT that abortion is legal throughout the entire 9 month term of the baby?). They trump the comparison of the thousands of dead, due to the war in Iraq, and ask how moral that decision was (to which I ask, if they want to do some comparisons, how do those thousands compare to the 40+ million abortions since 1973?).
Can anyone be called pro-abortion? What if:
- someone would consider his own grandchildren, still in the womb, to be a punishment on his daughters?
- someone would, as his first act as President, sign the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA), which would “abolish bans on partial-birth abortion and parental notification laws nationwide while implementing tax-payer funded abortions” (quote via HotAir)?
- someone condemned the Supreme Court decision upholding a ban on partial birth abortions?
- someone considered that caring for an infant born alive, after an abortion, to be an undue burden on the original decision of the doctor, and mother of the child?
- someone stated, on the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, that “Throughout my career, I’ve been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have consistently had a 100% pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America.”?
- someone who, although he claims to be pro-choice, would strip funding from pro-life pregnancy crisis centers?
Yes, I’d call someone like that pro-abortion.
Tagged with: Abortion • Barack Obama • naral • obama • planned parenthood • pro-abortion • pro-choice • pro-life
Filed under: Abortion • Culture • Democrats • Politics • Rusty
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