1. An allegorical map.
  2. A discussion of differences between Orthodox and the Catholic churches.
  3. NASA resources, pointed out ostensibly for the homeschool crowd, but really useful for any family with kids (HT: Mark Shea).
  4. A prediction validated.
  5. A convert needing help.
  6. A mad woman in the kitchen.
  7. Family and Amsterdam.
  8. Change is “scary”, yes, and when the change moves in the wrong direction that’s even scarier.
  9. On obedience to spouse …  a convert’s perspective.
  10. Fact checking Mr Obama… oops.
  11. Well, I’m surprised … I’d have thought the figure closer to 95%, after all I think 40% was a low figure for useless documents in the preprint stream in academic physics.
  12. Best Syrian blogging contest … and a snag (besides the ineffective performance of google’s automatic translator from Arabic to English).
  13. Hmm, I think the tag-line/title overstates the case … after all they’re not talking about mothers-in-law/spouse or sibling rivalries.
  14. Beautiful women and cheap leeches.
  15. 10 subprime myths.
  16. A question on achievement and metrics.

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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