Political Cartoon: Missile Platform
Friday, January 9th, 2009 at
1:48 pm
From Gordon Campbell:
As low as the IDF can make them, civilian casualties are guaranteed when you store and launch your missiles from civilian area. Hamas gets a win-win situation for terrorism when it gets world sympathy for casualties as a result of this stationing, and it gets Palestinian sympathy when it kills Jews. You cannot negotiate with terrorists; you can only defeat them.
Filed under: Doug • Israel • Middle East
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And the smart way to defeat them is by isolating them. The absolute goofiest way to try to defeat terrorists is by killing civilians. That plays right into their hands.
Surely Israel (and the rest of us) can be smarter than terrorists?
What do you mean by isolating? Israel lets in tons of humanitarian aid, but if they close the borders for a moment due to a terrorist act, the world gives them all manner of grief. When we wanted to deal harshly with the Hamas-led government, it was Democrats complaining that Hamas was the duly elected government and we shouldn’t put such pressure on them. “Hey, you want democracy, you have to live with its consequences”, forgetting completely what they had done and were doing.
Your definition of “isolation” has to pass muster with that paragon of virtue, the United Nations, which has always balked at the smallest thing that Israel would do to defend itself, including isolate Gaza.