How to Measure Your Pro-Life Vote
Erick, a fellow Georgian at Redstate, runs the numbers.
In May of 2005, Georgia’s “Woman’s Right to Know Act” went into effect. As Senate President Pro Tempore Eric Johnson explains, “The law required that doctors explain to women the medical risks of abortion and the status of life in their womb. They then had to wait 24 hours before proceeding with this critical decision.”
Two years have now passed since the Act went into effect. Again, from Senator Johnson
According to the Senate Majority Leader, Tommie Williams, we have already seen significant results in passing this critical pro-life legislation. Since it went into effect in May of 2005, the DHR reports that between 32,500 and 40,500 women have talked to their doctors about an abortion. After that conversation and the information provided to them by this law, approximately 10,000 chose to carry their babies to term. In addition, 2,300 minors considered terminating their pregnancy and only 500 did so. So we saved about 11,800 babies so far. Pretty neat, huh?
Much, much more than just “neat”, in my estimation. Erick credits the election of pro-life legislators with turning the tide, and I’d agree. Your vote counts, and your vote matters.
[tags]abortion,pro-life,State Senator Eric Johnson,Georgia,State Senator Tommie Williams,Woman’s Right to Know Act[/tags]
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What benefit is it to a person if manage to persuade them to (or even block them legally from) getting an abortion? Would they not still die in their sins without Christ? Why, then, should we waste time, money, and energy trying to convince sinners to act like Christians? Should we not instead lead them to Christ so that their hearts will be renewed and they will stop sinning (read: killing their children) out of love for Jesus?
Christians, consider the fallacy of politics. Proclaim the gospel and use your time and money for that purpose. Do not play by the world’s rules.
This law has accomplished nothing worthwhile.
I should proofread… The first sentence should read: “What benefit is it to a person if we manage to persuade them to avoid (or even block them legally from) getting an abortion?”
I believe that the business of governing should concern Christians as much as anyone else. I also believe that we should endeavor to ensure that the law promotes that which is good. I think choosing life is good (and that would be an understatement).
I have to disagree with you in the strongest of terms. This is not a law that attempts to force anyone to “act like Christians”; it’s a law intended to protect the innocent. By your logic, we shouldn’t bother with laws against murder and their enforcement, since murderers might still die in their sins.
This is not an either/or proposition; that’s the fallacy here. We can prevent unnecessary abortions and work to lead them to Christ.
You are correct in saying that “we shouldn’t bother with laws against murder and their enforcement.” How does one punish another person while still obeying Christ’s command to “not resist an evil person” (Matthew 5:29) and to not judge? And why should we punish those who carry out the act of murder and not those who commit murder in their hearts by their anger (Matthew 5:21-22)? Are not both people murderers? Why don’t we also punish liars, blasphemers, adulterers, gluttons, the greedy, etc.? Or should we just punish the sins that you don’t like while permitting the ones that you don’t mind as much? Do not be a hypocrite. If you are going to punish one sin, you must punish them all. And remember: “the wages of sin is death,” so death is the only appropriate punishment for sin. Therefore, if you want to punish sin fairly, you must kill all sinners (everybody) as well as yourself. Think it out.
Alternatively, you can offer mercy to sinners of every kind as Christ did and commanded us to do, just as you offer yourself mercy for your own sins. Law and justice/judgment is not the realm of Christians. We are not members of worldly nations of men, but we are subjects of the kingdom of God, and we cannot serve two masters.
Ask God to show you if you are wrong. He is faithful to correct your heart if you are willing.