New Poll: Stimulate by Spending, Cutting, or Nothing?
Friday, February 6th, 2009 at
2:46 pm
We have a new poll that gauges your view of the economic stimulus package moving through Congress. Do you think spending is going to do it, and if so, how much? Or, do you believe tax cuts would work better?
Cast your vote an let us know what you think in the comments here. Thanks.
Filed under: Economics & Taxes • Polls
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As you point out in an earlier post, spending does not provide long-term stimulus for the economy. President Obama would do well to learn from his political hero FDR and see that increased government spending did not provide long term improvements in employment or in economic growth. We would be best off to cut taxes (or, dare we think about it, reform our tax system). Absent any overhaul to the tax codes we’re better off to do nothing than to throw away billions of dollars on programs that aren’t going to do anything to improve the economy.
But, don’t ya know, it’ll make us feel better that the government is doing something. 🙂