Who Really Took Jesus’ Life?
I’ve been on Spring Break vacation with the family this past week, so I didn’t have an Easter post before Easter. But here it is now.
Last September, a commenter at the Shire Network News podcast web site (the old web site, not the shiny new one) suggested that "the Bible is very clear that the Jews killed Christ". He went on to complain how Jews were all throughout the US in policy-making and powerful positions. I’d thought that sort of "Christ killer" epithet had gone out with the KKK, but apparently it’s still milling about somewhere on the fringe.
The contributors to SNN, who are mostly Jewish, discussing this a bit in an e-mail exchange, did not take serious offense at this since they understand that this is an extreme minority opinion in the Christian community. Nonetheless, I, the (as far as I know) token Christian in the group, wanted to give them some ammunition from the Christian scriptures in case they ever came across this again.
Firstly, technically speaking, Romans killed Christ; their cross, their nails, their manual labor. Shall we then blame all Italians? I think not.
Secondly, from another point of view, I killed Christ. If I had never sinned, He wouldn’t have had to die for me. I’m not the only person He died for, but my screw-ups were as much a part of it as everyone else’s. The "Christ killer" epithet is thus as appropriate to the accuser as the accused. Might as well accuse them of being human.
And thirdly, there are these words from Jesus Himself (from John 10:17-18), where Jesus is talking about Himself as the Good Shepherd.
The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.
So here’s Jesus saying that He himself is responsible for laying down His life, blaming no one else. He not only specifically absolved those physically crucifying Him, He absolves us of the guilt of being sinful with regards to that being the reason He made the choice. He laid it down of His own accord; no one forced Him to do it. The God of the universe had a choice to make, and He made it, and the guilt that might be associated with it would go the way of all guilt for sin; as far as the east is from the west.
And, of course, He did say he would "take it up again". The power is all HIs. He is Risen!
Filed under: Christianity • Doug • Religion
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