Things Heard: e111v3
Wednesday, March 24th, 2010 at
9:13 am
Good morning.
- I think you might need to be a subscriber to read this … but it is quite good.
- Following my predilection for sidestepping the main point of a piece … the phrase “deeply patronizing” jumped out at me. I think the adjective “deeply” here is meaningless and inaccurate. Besides that, the attitude is more than likely “shallowly” patronizing at best, i.e., just based on surface assumptions and casual expectations.
- Huh? So … who is the guy on the left? Lenin? Freud?
- Inflation and a debate, a missing piece possibly in this list.
- This is not unrelated to the above.
- Remarks on the CBO estimates of the healthcare bill.
- Economics and legislation.
- New? A “New” nuclear option? Huh!? This is what nuclear proponents (mostly oddly enough on the right) have been advocating for two decades.
- Speaking of healthcare.
- From pro-choice to pro-life in a pro-choice community.
- Bill of attainder?
- Obama keeping his word … not.
- It will be interesting to see if those who support the stimulus object to this … which is due to the stimulus bill.
- A motor.
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