Fireworks, 206 years ago
Wednesday July 4th 1804, we Set out Eairly & passed the mouth of the outlet of a large lake which comes in on the north Side. this pond or lake is large & their has been a Great many bever found in it, high land on the South Side & praries, we Delayed a Short time at noon to dine. a Snake bit Jo. Fields on the out Side of his foot, this was under the hills near the praries on the South Side, we passed a Creek on the South Side about 15 yards wide. comes out of the large prarie, and as it has no name & as it is the 4 of July, Capts. name it Independence Creek we fired our Bow piece this morning & one in the evening for Independance of the U. S.
– Sgt. John Ordway, Lewis & Clark Expedition, 4 July 1804
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