I quit
Notice (for those who care):
Today I’m still a Christian. I’m still in with this bunch of quarrelsome and hostile humans. I refuse to be arrogant enough to believe that my Western-bred, self-concerned, and individualistic mindset can circumvent the very humanity which leaves Christianity imperfect in practice.
Also, in the name of Christ, I refuse to condone sexual behavior, whether it be hetero or homo, that is outside the boundaries God has set; I refuse to agree with liberal feminists who degrade women; I refuse to believe being Democrat or Republican is related to “Jesus is God, he died, and was resurrected”; I refuse to think secular humanism is valid (or new); I refuse to succumb to the self defeating views of methodological naturalism, yet continue to support research of the natural realm God created; and I refuse to be anti-life, specifically, the life of unborn images of God.
Filed under: Christianity • Culture • Protestantism • Rusty
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Amen brother. Anne Rice really has her politics and her religion way too tangled up. (And upside down.)
Perhaps she does. But does that tell you something about the nature of how we communicate as fellow Christians? The acidity in too many discussions is poison and turns people away.
Maybe, but in this case I think that Rice wanted Catholicism to conform to the notions she already brought into it, rather than being open to change herself. True, her high profile celebrity status may have opened her up to more vocal (and numerous) rebukes from all quarters. But, as I posted on my personal blog, her own political views seemed completely at odds with her own stated goals and religious positions; no wonder she was getting frustrated!
Now … if I could just quit being such a sinner myself. 😀
See this as well.
For years, many orthodox believers have referred to themselves and others of their kind as “followers of Christ” to avoid cultural baggage that may keep people from seeking and committing their lives to Jesus. I’m OK with that.