Friday Link Wrap-up (Catch-up Edition)
More links this week since I didn’t get around to it last week.
What’s keeping this recession going for so long? Ask James Madison. Yes, that James Madison.
The 6th Circuit judge that upheld the health care reform individual mandate to buy insurance has really redefined terms in order to make his ruling.
With that reasoning, Judge Steeh thoroughly unmoors the commerce clause from its concern with actual economic activity that Congress can regulate to a more amorphous realm of “economic decisions” which apparently include the decision to NOT enter into commerce at all.
A better example of an activist judge you’re not likely to find soon.
Roger Ebert, in reviewing “Waiting for Superman”, acknowledges that the private school highlighted does better than public school, proclaiming “Our schools do not work”. His solution? (Wait for it…) More money for public schools, for the ones that don’t work instead of encouraging what does work and at typically a lower cost per student. Liberal education policies are now just talking points rather than reasoned arguments.
Remembering a sociopathic mass murderer, who is extolled by liberal students T-shirts everywhere. (No, not Charles Manson. I’m talking about Che Guevara.)
The Rise of the (Conservative, Christian) Woman in American politics.
Juan Williams responds to the NPR sacking. Ah, the tolerant Left in action.
And to close it out, two cartoons to make up for missing a week. I just love Chuck Asay. (Click for larger versions.)
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