Friday Link Wrap-up
The deficit commission that President Obama convened agrees that most of ObamaCare should be kept. Unfortunately, they believe in order to keep it fiscally sustainable is for it to include Death Panels. They laughed at Sarah Palin for predicting this. I don’t hear anyone laughing now.
Speaking of Sarah Palin, Richard Cohen (no conservative, he) just can stop reading about (and apparently, can’t stop writing about) the former Alaska governor. And in writing about her and her beliefs, he includes this bit of honesty:
The left just doesn’t get America. I say this as a fellow-traveler of liberalism and as one who recognizes that many liberals fear the heartland. They see it as a dark place of primitive religions and too many guns. For such a person, Palin is the perfect personification of the unknown and feared Ugly American who will emerge from the heartland to seize Washington, turning off all the lights and casting America into darkness. The left does not merely disagree with the right; it fears it.
Hospitals closing or ridden with crime. Doctors quitting the medical practice or leaving the country to find greener pastures in which to practice. Shortages of medical supplies. While these are predictions of what will come with ObamaCare, we have yet another example of where socialized medicine is failing. Mr. Obama, call Mr. Chavez to find out how well it’s working in Venezuela. (Hint: It’s not.)
The Christmas song “Silver Bells” was inspired by the sound of Salvation Army bell-ringers outside department stores. But apparently familiarity breeds contempt.
The character of Aslan in the Narnia series of books, as well established in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, is an allegory for Jesus Christ. That was C. S. Lewis’ purpose. But Liam Neeson, who provides the voice for Aslan in the movie series, has apparently been infected with the political correctness syndrome that pervades Hollywood.
Ahead of the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader next Thursday, Neeson said: ‘Aslan symbolises a Christ-like figure but he also symbolises for me Mohammed, Buddha and all the great spiritual leaders and prophets over the centuries.
‘That’s who Aslan stands for as well as a mentor figure for kids – that’s what he means for me.’
Mohammed and Buddha died for your sins? Really?
Does Romans chapter 1 condemn homosexuality? Some interpret it in such a way that it doesn’t, in spite of the words chosen. John Stott takes apart such interpretations.
Bryan Longworth had an interesting tweet the other day. “Comprehensive sex ed has been taught in schools 4 over 40 years. The results? Epedemic #STIs. How’s perversion working 4 U?” Not so well, judging by the results.
And finally, Chuck Asay has some words for Democrats who are ostensibly fighting for the workers. (Click for a larger version.)
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