Good morning.

  1. He carries both, although I think the broom gets used on the floor.
  2. Our American political dialectic.
  3. Orwellian language and war.
  4. When “kinds of slavery” are discussed, and “racial slavery was especially severe” whence the gulag and Kolyma?
  5. Money and commodities.
  6. A black man and the left.
  7. Speaking of stupid racial notions. Consider this sentence “Frankly, I would not bet on the consistent returns of any black man who regularly employed anger in a room full of white people” remove “black” and “white” from that sentence and it remains just as true … for “Frankly, I would not bet on the consistent returns of any man who regularly employed anger in a room full of people” is just as obvious. Duh.
  8. More racism on the left.
  9. What the Admin is not doing to help the economy.
  10. People scoffed at Ms O’Donnell … but her concession speech cannot be beat. I applaud her sensibilities.
  11. Obamacare and healthcare costs.
  12. Checks and balances in the Roman Republic.
  13. Fatherhood and daughters. I liked the line in a recent movie a dad giving ‘advice’ to the young man taking his daughter out on a date, “Don’t do anything to her that you don’t want me to do to you.”

Filed under: LinksMark O.

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