Turned Around
Tuesday, June 24th, 2008 at
10:31 pm
When Reagan won the election in ’80, New York Times Film Critic Pauline Kael famously remarked in amazement, “How could he have won? I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”
I’ve heard it’s the case that “people are really excited” by Mr Obama’s candidacy … however like Ms Kael, I’ve never met a anyone like that … except by proxy on blogs.
I guess I have to “get out more” … or not.
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And I know no one personally who has admitted that they plan on voting for McCain. Anectdotal stories have some value, but they’re not a replacement for actual evidence.
That said, I expect McCain to have a spankin’ along with the rest of the Republicans this fall. WHO in the world wants to vote for McCain and is excited enough about him to get out the vote?
Obama – and the change he represents – IS exciting a large swath of people in nearly every demographic. People are energetic about getting out the vote for Obama – flawed candidate that he is.
Spank, spank, spank. That would be my guess.
Yes, I know you’re excited about Obama … but I’ve (a) only met you on blogs and (b) have no clue why you’re excited after all he seems like a fairly ordinary pol to me, his lies are not particularly original like the rest of them.
For me, Obama would be “exciting” as far as getting out the vote … for McCain as I think his platform largely reprehensible and damaging to the country.
But there is no evidence that I’ve seen thus far that Obama is “getting out the vote for McCain.” McCain’s platform is rehashed Bush policy that has already proven itself to be an utter failure.
Folk are NOT going to be excited to go out and vote for what McCain stands for (failed policy) and only a relative few people, I suspect, are sufficiently concerned about Obama to motivate them to go out and vote AGAINST him.
People don’t generally get excited about voting against stuff. With Obama, though, people ARE motivated to vote FOR what he stands for. And what he stands against (more of the same flawed policy that Bush stands for).
He is by no means a perfect candidate – no such critter exists. But, he represents change.
He represents:
A move away from US hubris and the presumption that we can be the police force of the world.
A move away from US hubris and the presumption that we are above the law.
A move towards more responsible environmental policy.
A move towards more responsible energy policy.
A move away from the politics of division and towards a unity of the people of the US – which is not to say that he would blindly go along with what the Republicans want in order to have “unity” nor would he expect the Republicans to go along with him, but rather that we acknowledge that Republicans are good patriotic folk with whom we disagree – it’s an end of the demonization of the Other as political practice
A move away from gov’t of, by and for the Corporations and more responsible gov’t.
People are clamoring for these sorts of changes. I understand that you don’t think that this is what he stands for and you are free to think what you will.
But I believe that it IS what he stands for to an apparent majority of the US and Republicans will lose – ARE losing – if they fail to realize this and present candidates more in lines with these ideals.
From just this weekend, here is an example of the type of change that Obama exemplifies and which is successfully reaching the US populace (following General Clark’s comments about McCain’s military service):
“I will never question the patriotism of others in this campaign. And I will not stand idly by when I hear others question mine.”
“For those like John McCain who have endured physical torment in service to our country — no further proof of such sacrifice is necessary,” Obama said. “And let me also add that no one should ever devalue that service, especially for the sake of a political campaign, and that goes for supporters on both sides.”
On that last, I’m posting a remark of mine.