What would Jesus cut? Seriously?
From HotAir, a link to this jello,
A coalition of progressive Christian leaders has taken out a full-page ad that asks “What would Jesus cut?” in Monday’s edition of Politico, the opening salvo in what the leaders say will be a broader campaign to prevent cuts for the poor and international aid programs amid the budget battle raging in Washington.
What would Jesus cut? Seriously? For starters, I think he’d trim it down to five loaves and two fish.
Tagged with: belief blog • brian mclaren • jim wallis • sojourners • what would jesus cut
Filed under: Conservative • Economics & Taxes • Government • Liberal • Rusty
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“What would Jesus cut? Seriously? For starters, I think he’d trim it down to five loaves and two fish.”
OK. Which government programs (that you support) get the loaves, and which get the fish?
My cryptically concise post was designed to illustrate the fact that Jesus not only distanced himself from any earthly secular authority, but that he was not limited by budgetary constraints as well.
As for “What would Rusty cut?”: It would be more prudent to decide what exactly we need… something nobody wants to do.