Media Cage Match: Earth Day vs Easter
NewsBusters has done a study on how the media covers Earth Day vs how it covers Easter.
Major Findings:
Media Undermine Christian Holiday: Nearly two thirds of all stories about Easter were negative (22 out of 34).
Easter Used to Attack Catholic Church: Ninety-one percent of the negative Easter stories were about the pedophilia scandal in the Roman Catholic Church.
Love That Mother Nature: 100 percent of Earth Day stories were positive.
Easter is the quintessential Christian holiday – the celebration of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Although it has been celebrated by billions of people around the world for nearly 2,000 years, the mainstream media would rather celebrate the liberal holiday known as "Earth Day" and connect Easter to the abuse scandal that surrounded the Roman Catholic Church.
Holy Week marks the seven days between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Christians around the world mark it by attending services, praying and piously observing the holiday.
But in 2010, ABC, CBS and NBC evening news shows mentioned "Easter" primarily in connection to the pedophilia scandals that swirled around the Vatican last year, being sure to highlight the "gravest outrage," "scandal," "sexual abuse" and "crisis."
Instead, the networks chose to worship something else: Mother Earth. In contrast to Easter, the 40-year-old eco-holiday Earth Day that focuses on the "plastic lying around the earth" and "going green," managed to get nothing but positive attention from the broadcast media.
The Culture and Media Institute examined reports during Holy Week (Mar. 28 through Apr. 4, 2010) and Apr. 15, 2010, through Earth Day to contrast the two weeks of media coverage.
More at the link.
Filed under: Christianity • Doug • Environment • Liberal • Media • Religion
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It’s interesting how the media can grab onto something – no matter what – to sensationalize whatever the topic is at the time.
Sure enough it won’t be long before it all turns completely around and there are endless ‘negative’ stories about the way we all are destroying the planet (on mother earth day) and the catholic church will be able to take a breather.
site:Strata Management
I don’t know when it became fashionable to be anti-christian,jewish,catholic,american and the list goes on. Political correctness is nothing but a code word for the destruction of all those things that made America the great country that I can only hope it will be once again for my children and their children. Thank you for being another voice bringing this type of bias to light.