Hillary Clinton: Not So Inevitable
Critical articles of Senator and Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton are nothing new. On any given day, you can find a number of columns outlining all the reasons she is unfit to be President. I couldn’t agree more. But I don’t normally pay attention to such articles. I realize that most conservatives like myself have no intention of voting for her. But this article at Blogcritics caught my attention mostly because it came from one of her own supporters. I wonder if there are many of her other supporters who are now rethinking their position especially in light of these new polls?
My question to liberal voters is this: in light of her recent debate performance and the issues raised in this article are you still willing to support her in the upcoming election? I have the feeling that the nomination that was thought to be hers may not be so easy to obtain as the media has made it out to be.
Filed under: Democrats • Politics • Tom
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I’m not a liberal, but I will offer a non-confrontational observation.
Now that it’s closer to the actual primaries, polls being taken are of those likely to vote in the primary. Not surprisingly, people are speaking their own mind. Often times the media speak only to themselves and think that everyone believes as they do.
If the media would just take a moment and look at polling data that examines candidates from an overall positive/negative impression, Sen. Clinton ranks extremely high on the negative side. Well over 40% if I remember correctly.
When a candidate has negatives this high, they are in trouble. And Sen. Clinton just does not come across as a likable, approachable person. It’s just that the polls are now showing this.
Thank you so much, Tom, for publicizing my article. I think it is safe to say I have never been a Hillary supporter and did not change my mind in light of recent polls. I talk with a lot of different people about politics and recently became alarmed at the number of people who planned to vote for Hillary in the primaries but could not tell me why (other than “she’s a woman” “she will win” “I like Bill” and “I want a minority to run the country”). If Democrats continue to toss away votes in the primaries just to jump on some media bandwagon, America (from my perspective) is going to be left with two really horrible main candidates next November. Moderate Democrats like me will then likely vote for the Republican. That is something the Democratic party needs to wake up and realize before it’s too late.