Independence Day and the Left
It seems these two holidays make the Left nervous. Of the half dozen left-leaning blogs I read none seem to manage to actually unabashedly come out and say they love their country. Instead we are greeted by various apologetic nuanced finely crafted arguments how we can be (highly) critical of our country and still love it. Or even how the absence of criticism is a sign of a lack of love, if the left leaning author is feeling testy.
It seems to me, if I had a friend, who on every Valentines day and anniversary for his wife announced (quite spontaneously) to his friends and other around who don’t even really know him that his constant criticism, backbiting, and quarreling with his wife and her ideas, her looks, and her acquaintences was a sign of his affection. Well, after a while, not noticing any real displays of affection, one might wonder if where his true feelings lay.
Just saying. It seems to me if you can’t craft a love letter to your wife on her birthday or anniversary sans critique or correction … then I’d wonder about your relationship.
Filed under: Conservative • Liberal • Mark O.
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Can you imagine Jesus celebrating the Roman equivalent of Independence Day?
What do you think Passover was?
A Jewish religious observance. Not a Roman holiday.
Uhm, do you truly completely separate the political significance from the religious for Passover. It was also celebrating an event not unlike Independence day, when Israel became something a lot more like a nation.
Do you feel Independence day should be compared to a national celebration by an occupying nation?
I’m talking about Rome, the empire that Jesus lived under. Do you think Jesus celebrated Roman holidays?
Do you feel Independence day should be compared to a national celebration by an occupying nation?
To quote Larry Norman, “This world is not my home, I am just passing through…”
No. He wasn’t a Roman. He was a Jew. Israel was (and considered itself) occupied territory. A subject nation. Few subject nations earnestly celebrate the holiday’s of the nation which occupies them.
How many Hungarians, Czech’s, or Poles do you think (honestly) celebrated Russian National holiday’s during Soviet occupation?
So, do you think Jesus celebrated Passover, which is a National holiday for Israel.
That’s not exactly an answer to the question, however.
Obviously Jesus observed the religious tradition of Passover.
Do you think he made it clear that the political implications for Israel of Passover should be ignored?