Global Warming Update
Click image for a larger version. Rev. Don Sensing queries, "Wasn’t it in July 1989 that the UN said we only had 10 years left to save the planet?" Guess we did it. Can we move on now?
Oh, well maybe not. Sensing also points to this report (PDF) which starts:
Addressing the Washington Policymakers in Seattle, WA, Dr. Don Easterbrook said that shifting of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) from its warm mode to its cool mode virtually assures global cooling for the next 25-30 years and means that the global warming of the past 30 years is over.
That dive starting in 2006 may be just the beginning. Expect environmentalists to have something to say about it. Al Gore will probably not be the spokesman for it; too closely associated with that other natural phenomenon.
[tags]global warming,environment,Dr. Don Easterbrook,Pacific Decadal Oscillation[/tags]
Filed under: Doug • Environment • Global Warming
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There’s your chart (source?), here’s another chart:
Whom shall we believe?
A couple things to note. The two graphs are actually quite comparable. The widest swing in the NASA graph, which starts in 1989, is about .8 degrees (I’m assuming it Celcius since we’re talking NASA). This is comparable to the same time period on the EPI graph.
NASA’s graph, however, is for a much smaller time period, and shows more detail of the past 3 years, with a clear downward trend erasing all temperature rises for the past 15 years. That time period on the EPI graph doesn’t even appear to be there. The line seems to stop in 2005, if you consider the right edge of the graph to be 2010. Odd, that.
And the PDO has been well-known as a global temperature changer for a long time. I wrote about it in 2002 and, though the link to the source material no longer works, the point was that it was predicted that the PDO would start to cool things down again pretty soon. Three years later, sure enough.
The larger point is one regarding how dire we should take warning from the UN. 10 years after their warning about needing to save the earth in a decade, we’re about where we were back then.