Things Heard: e212v1
Monday, March 12th, 2012 at
8:04 am
Good morning.
- A narrative of why the current President has continued so many policies of the former with which he allegedly strongly disagreed … this one claims he still disagrees but his hands are tied by the Constitution.
- Uncertainty primer.
- Methodist theology and the early Church Fathers.
- The end of the status quo in the US, might not be gradual.
- Which needs to confront this notion.
- Freedom and the left.
- Yah, they don’t watch FOX, they don’t actually listen to Mr Limbaugh … they just bang the echo chamber drum (whilst complaining about the right wing echo chamber and not noticing that they do the same thing).
- Logic.
- Arab Springly thinking.
- So, is he right? Would ABC run the alternative?
- A question for the Fluke/contraceptives-for-free supporters.
- A question about options and Iran.
- The kindness of strangers in flyover land.
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