Embassies and Rabbit Trails
There seems to be a meme floating around Facebook noting that, under George Bush, multiple embassy attacks were made (anywhere from 7 – 11) with up to 53 people being killed. The insinuation is that things were worse under Dubya than under Obama AND that people are somehow hypocritical if they criticize Obama for the attack on the embassy in Benghazi.
Let’s take a look at this.
From Media Matters there’s a post titled, Krauthammer Whitewashes Bush’s History To Bash Obama Over Embassy Attack, which lists out seven U.S. Embassy attacks under the Bush Administration. Yet in reading over each of these attacks one finds that not one American was killed. Not one! In some cases, the embassy or building attacked was empty.
But the most egregious problem with this meme is that it attempts to divert the attention from where it belongs. The issues with the attack on the Benghazi embassy have to do with,
- Americans being killed (indeed, a U.S. Ambassador being one of them),
- Americans requesting U.S. military intervention – and being denied,
- A coordinated and well planned attack being carried out (ostensibly by paramilitary forces),
- Said paramilitary forces belonging to a group (al Qaeda) which the current administration has declared to be decimated,
- Said administration lying about what happened, why it happened, and how they addressed it.
This muddled thinking and blindness to issues of reality, by the Left, will continue to leave America open to attacks from terrorists abroad.
Tagged with: benghazi • bush • obama
Filed under: Liberal • Middle East • Rusty
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