Intolerant Liberals, Hispanic Republicans, & an Old Earth
Be wary of those who rag on that the Republican Party is primarily made up of old, rich, racist white men. Be wary because when faced with the prospect of a young Hispanic Republican, as in Marco Rubio, the media seems to think that a question of priority for said Republican is to ask him how old he thinks the Earth is. Let’s disregard how other issues were skipped over in lieu of that high priority age of the Earth question. Issues such as: immigration, the economy, healthcare, gun running into Mexico, a U.S. Ambassador being killed in a coordinated attack at a U.S. Embassy and, maybe, the current conflict between Israel and Hamas, you know – low priority issues like that. Oh, and let’s also disregard the fact that Rubio probably-most-likely-maybe thinks that the laws of aerodynamics work consistently enough so that he believes that when he boards a jetliner it will actually fly through the air (as designed); or that he thinks that the laws of chemistry work consistently enough so that when he takes medication it will interact with his body the way it is supposed to; or that he thinks most of that – you know – “science stuff” really works.
Yes, since they can’t accuse him of being an old, rich, racist white man, they simply disregard all of the real issues and paint him out to be some sort of buffoon by asking him how old the Earth is because, when all is said and done, they’re not interested in tolerating a Hispanic Republican.
Be wary.
Tagged with: creationism • marc rubio • old earth
Filed under: Culture • Evolution • Intelligent Design • Liberal • Republicans • Rusty
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One big difference between the left and the right is that to the right, opinions about the “issues” you listed are considered equivalent to mastery of facts. To the left mastery of facts is a pre-requisite that has to be met before we trust someone to think critically about trickier issues that fall in the category of decisions left to opinions or judgement – i.e. issues that are more complex than understanding mere facts. In other words, if a candidate like Rubio doesn’t understand basic science then he is unqualified to tackle more difficult issues.
It was Barack Obama that answered that the abortion question with the classic “above my pay grade” answer. The difference is that abortion is a public policy issue whereas the age of the Earth is immaterial.
Mastery of facts? Heh. Don’t limit the question to BHO, Doug. Just watch anyone on the Left squirm and wiggle as they try to explain away how an unborn human is not a human person.