New Poll: Romney
Thursday, December 6th, 2007 at
5:19 pm
OK, we did this for Guiliani when he was in the news regarding the Religious Right vote, so now that Romney’s given his “Faith” speech, let’s now see how folks feel about him. The Guiliani poll showed that our readers were willing to vote for him by a wide margin over staying home, so let’s see how Romney fares. If you have a comment about why you’d vote (or not vote) the way you would, put a comment here.
Filed under: Mormonism • Politics • Polls • Religion • Republicans
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I have seen close friends fall away from their Trinitarian faith, and become Mormons. I certainly am no fan of the brainwashing techniques used by Mormon missionaries, and their false doctrine of confusion tends to draw in people who are churched but not discipled, while they clearly train on and adhere to their false doctrines.
In regards to Romney though, I have no concern for him being a Mormon as it relates to his potential presidency. Bill Clinton, like me, claims to be a Southern Baptist and born again. Yet no president has done more to support the radical anti-life and pro-homosexual agendas.
For me, I am voting on what policies a candidate promises to advocate for. He/She may indeed be a born again Christian, for each person knows their own heart, but they may also be advocating policies that are anti-God, anti-Family, anti-American, and of a Marxist origins.
But the Bible clearly teaches that God can use the non-Christian for his purposes. And while I do not believe Romney to be a Christian, should he get the nomination, I will support him because the alternative (be it Obama or Clinton) is certainly more dangerous for America and for American families.
For now, I support Huckabee though.
We had a commenter here some time back (on the old site) suggesting that most evangelicals would not vote for a Mormon. I told him he was very likely wrong, and I think that this is the case. As you note, we’re voting on policies, primarily.