Who Else (Beside the Media) Ignored Kermit Gosnell?
Kermit Gosnell, the abortion quote-unquote “doctor” who regularly carried out illegal abortions in Philadelphia and killed already-born babies by cutting their spinal cord, among other horrors, was well-known to other abortionists who routinely referred women to him from up and down the eastern seaboard. His reputation preceded him. So those other abortion doctors knew what he did, but didn’t report him.
The women who were his victims did report him, but that still didn’t get anything done. His clinic went 17 years without an inspection, even though there were inspection-worthy complaints in the interim. Various state agencies did nothing even after victims’ lawyers contacted them.
And another group turned a blind eye to this; Planned Parenthood. President and CEO of Planned Parenthood SE Pennsylvania Dayle Steinberg said that her organization knew about this but did not report it. Instead she said, “We would always encourage them to report it to the Department of Health.” The buck doesn’t stop here. It doesn’t even stop for a rest. And of course, the Department of Health was one of those delinquent state agencies.
I have complained that the media have ignored this story, and they have, but even before they tried to sweep it under the rug, Planned Parenthood, various other abortion doctors, and various state agencies all turned a blind eye to what was going on here. If there is a war on women, the abortion industry is on the front lines.
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Front page news today in the NYT and WaPo: Gosnell’s conviction. The MSM have actually been covering the story for weeks. In other articles you must also not have read today, Planned Parenthood condemned Gosnell’s unethical behavior and lauded his conviction as a victory for women. In other words, most of what you said is just plain wrong. You should also know that it was a republican governor who ended state inspections of Gosnell’s clinics. Don’t you find it ironic that conservatives have defunded government agencies AND THEN criticized the same agencies for failing to do their jobs properly?
You see one day of coverage of the verdict, and ignore the major news blackout of this story that led up to today. This is the first time that Gosnell made the front page of the NYT since his trial began. He only made it once, maybe twice, during the trial, but only after the media got called on it, and only buried deep in the paper.
And if what you say about the governor is true, then I find it more than ironic. I find it shameful. Still doesn’t change the fact that inconvenient politics caused this story to be ignored.
You moved the goalpost. Now you’re indignant because he didn’t make the FRONT PAGE until now. As to the perpetuation of your inaccuracies – that he only made the NYT once or twice before – you seem to be confusing absence of evidence with your failure to look for such evidence. I’m not going to do your homework for you, and I’m not going to get sidetracked with minutiae, which is the typical trajectory of debates I find myself in with conservatives (though admittedly you’re better than most). The point is that your confidence in your political beliefs led you to distort the truth and ignore your party’s complicity in undermining the government agencies that could have caught Gosnell earlier.
The media, in general, did not cover Gosnell, with his 260+ charges including 8 murder charges, nearly as much as that woman who killed her boyfriend. What some called just a “local crime story” was bigger than many lesser stories they did cover.
So let’s do some homework then. Here’s a search of the Time website for the last year for “kermit gosnell”. We find 1 article when the trial opens, March 18th, on page A17. Then complete silence until April 15th, when the only coverage is opinion articles about the coverage, one having the audacity to say it is being covered.
Nothing but opinion articles, 4 of them, until an actual news story on April 23rd, on page A11, when the judge threw out some charges. Five weeks of silence in an 8 week trial, when printing the details of what evidence was presented would put abortion in its worst light.
Just one more article on A13 a few days before the verdict. And the verdict article says it was on A12. Since I don’t get the NYT, I don’t know what was on the front page, but their site doesn’t note that.
Regardless, scant coverage, and only after Kirsten Powers, a left-leaning journalist, finally calls the media in general on this. This is not minutiae.
As to the governor cutting spending for some of this, going 17 years without an inspection is negligence on a huge scale, regardless of funding. Were there worse clinics, therefore? Shouldn’t that be news if true?
Planned Parenthood shuts up until the trial ends. Then calls it a victory for women. Not the women (and men) aborted, it wasn’t.